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  2. Become a Health and Life Coach

Send practice client surveys

After you've completed the 90-day program with your practice clients, we have set up a system for you to get their feedback! Having your clients fill out the survey is optional and not required for your certification.

Sending the Survey

To send the survey to your practice clients, please follow these steps:

1. Click Dashboard in the top menu of the Learning Hub

2. Scroll down to My Courses and Lessons

3. Select Go to Class on your BHLC course

4. Scroll down until you see Client Post 90 Day Surveys

5. Click the + sign next to this section and select the correct client

6. Follow the instructions

Note: Submitting your client's email address does not automatically email the link to them. Instead, it associates their email with the link so that you will be able to see their answers once they've submitted the form.

Reviewing Survey Feedback

Once your practice client has submitted their survey, you can view or download their response. To do so, please follow these steps:

1. Click your name in the top right corner of the Learning Hub

2. Select My Profile from the dropdown

3. Scroll down to the Submitted Forms section 

4. To download to your computer, select the Adobe icon. To view, select the eye icon:

90 day client survey