Congratulations on completing your course! You should be proud of your hard work and dedication. Now it's time for you to download your certificate and show off what you've accomplished!
Once you have completed your certificate requirements, your course will reflect 100%.
Note: If your course completion percentage is less than 100%, please review your BHLC certificate requirements: click here.
Please follow these steps to download your certificate(s):
1. Click on Dashboard in the top menu of the Learning Hub
2. Scroll towards the bottom of the page until you see the Certificate Request box:
BHLC Students: If you just completed your course, it can take up to 60 minutes for the Certificate Request to appear on your Dashboard. If it is not loaded by that time, please reach out to:
Pathway Students: Once you've logged in to your student portal, select Pathway under Courses. You will then see a large green button that says "Download Certificate".
Coach Mastery Students: Coach Mastery provides three separate certificate requests. One for Business Accelerator, one for TCM Advanced (Module 2), and one for TCM Mastery (Module 3).
After filling out the certificate request, you can download your certificate(s) by following these steps:
1. Click your name in the top right corner of the Learning Hub
2. From the dropdown menu select My Files
3. A pop-up will appear with an option to double click Certificates
4. Double click on certificate to open PDF